IECABAr: Siguiendo con nuestra charla, Omar, hay una cuestión que preocupa a muchos: la situación actual de los alquileres en Argentina. ¿Cómo evalúa el impacto de la nueva ley de alquileres en el mercado?
Omar Cufré: Muy mal, la reforma de la nueva ley de alquileres es otro paso hacia un abismo cada vez más grande. Genera desconfianza e imprevisibilidad en los inversores y propietarios. Es una situación realmente complicada que está afectando tanto a propietarios como a inquilinos.
IECABA: Eso suena preocupante. Cambiando un poco el enfoque, ¿ha habido casos de agresiones hacia profesionales que han criticado públicamente esta ley de alquileres?
Omar Cufré: Lamentablemente, sí. No solo hemos recibido insultos y calumnias, tanto presenciales como anónimas, sino que también han atacado domicilios y oficinas. El año pasado, grupos de enmascarados salieron a marcar con calaveras y amenazas los domicilios de una veintena de profesionales críticos a la ley. Es una situación alarmante.
IECABA: Eso es muy grave en democracia. ¿Se han realizado las denuncias correspondientes?
Omar Cufré: Sí, es muy grave, y es un mecanismo para silenciar a la gente. No tengo recuerdo de vivir una situación así en democracia. Pero no nos van a callar esos grupos minúsculos violentos. Las denuncias se han hecho, y esperamos que haya acciones concretas para detener estos actos intimidatorios.
IECABA: Definitivamente, un tema que requiere atención y solución inmediata. Gracias, Omar, por compartir su experiencia y perspectiva con nosotros.
Omar Cufré: Gracias a ustedes por dar espacio a estas importantes discusiones.
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IECABA: Interesting. In relation to that, how have economic conditions, such as inflation and exchange rates, impacted the real estate sector?
Omar Cufré: These factors have a considerable impact. Inflation directly affects construction costs and, therefore, the final prices of properties. The exchange rate, on the other hand, influences foreign investment and the purchasing decisions of Argentinians, many of whom prefer to save in dollars.
IECABA: I see. Moving on to another topic, what advice would you give to those looking to invest in properties in Argentina in the current context?
Omar Cufré: My main advice is to research and understand the local market. It is crucial to have a clear vision of price trends and to know the areas with the greatest potential for appreciation. In addition, I recommend seeking professional advice to navigate the legal and financial complexities of the Argentine market.
IECABA: That sounds very prudent. Lastly, how do you see the future of the real estate market in Argentina? Are there signs of recovery or change on the horizon?
Omar Cufré: I am cautiously optimistic. Although there are challenges, there are also opportunities, especially in sectors like commercial real estate and developing urban areas. The key will be in the market’s adaptability and investors’ ability to identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
IECABA: Continuing with our discussion, Omar, there is an issue that concerns many: the current situation of rentals in Argentina. How do you assess the impact of the new rental law on the market?
Omar Cufré: Very bad, the reform of the new rental law is another step towards an increasingly large abyss. It generates distrust and unpredictability among investors and property owners. It’s a really complicated situation that is affecting both landlords and tenants.
IECABA: That sounds worrisome. Shifting focus a bit, have there been cases of aggression towards professionals who have publicly criticized this rental law?
Omar Cufré: Unfortunately, yes. We have not only received insults and slander, both in person and anonymously, but also attacks on homes and offices. Last year, groups of masked individuals went out to mark the homes of about twenty professionals critical of the law with skulls and threats. It is an alarming situation.
IECABA: That is very serious in a democracy. Have the appropriate complaints been filed?
Omar Cufré: Yes, it is very serious, and it’s a mechanism to silence people. I do not recall experiencing a situation like this in a democracy. But we will not be silenced by these small violent groups. Complaints have been filed, and we hope for concrete actions to stop these intimidating acts.
IECABA: Definitely, a matter that requires immediate attention and resolution. Thank you, Omar, for sharing your experience and perspective with us.
Omar Cufré: Thank you for giving space to these important discussions.
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